Saturday, January 3, 2009

Twenty Three Minutes to Open Your Mind...

Good Morrow Family, Friends, Followers and Lurkers!

Last night, I was having a conversation with a friend regarding her choice to follow a Pagan path and it's effects on her family. She had mentioned that her children believed that they have never seen her more happy in her life, her husband however, was having a more difficult time supporting her and was still a little unnerved by it all. This morning, I sent this to her email in hopes that it might clear up some of the misconceptions he might be dealing with.

There are those of you who have known me for years and never knew I was a practicing Wiccan. My decision to come out of the "broom closet" as it were, was the direct result of this "sermon". Some of you may have seen it before, but I felt it was worth repeating.

P.S. I love this man!

Demystifying Paganism


Anonymous said...

Great sermon! I hope a lot of people view it. It took me a while to "come out of the broom closet" but now I feel great about it!

She Who Works Her Will said...

The sermon is by far the most accurate and positive information I've heard on Paganism to date.

I finished watching the video and promptly put on my pentacle. We had been invited to a social event that afternoon, a wedding, I think, and Ray kept staring at it. I finally said, "Remember what Glinda told the Witch of the West about Dorothy wearing the ruby slippers?" He said, "no, what?" Glinda pointed at the slippers on Dorothy's feet saying, "There they are and there they'll stay". The same has applied to my pentacle. I haven't taken it off since.

Anonymous said...

that is the way it should be. i always wear it too now!

Anonymous said...

Tracy, if this hasn't been done already, it should be posted on EVERY Pagan site we know of. It was marvelous!

She Who Works Her Will said...

I agree Niki! It really says it all, doesn't it?