Friday, January 9, 2009

And The Award Goes To....

Merry Meet Family, Friends, Followers and Lurkers!

You know what has been pissing me off lately? Television advertising! Yes, dear friends, TV commercials! Has everyone in advertising lost their sense of creativity? I mean, we are in a economic recession, don't they want to, oh I don't know, actually sell stuff?

So, last night Ray and I are watching TV and there on the screen is a huge teddy bear head atop a human torso. I gotta tell ya, dolls in general freak me out, so my first impression was, "this is really, really creepy". I tried to figure out what they were actually trying to sell me, but my mind just couldn't quite wrap around where they were going with this. At the end of the commercial, the big teddy bear head squirts some nasal decongestant up it's nose and miraculously transforms into a living and now breathing, overjoyed human being. I turned to Ray and said, "I don't get it. What was with the bear head?" To which he replied, "It's a teddy bear, it's the guy's nose". Oh For The Love of Nerve!!! Millions of dollars goes into advertising and they could find a better friggin' way to sell me nose spray? Here's the sad part. I couldn't even tell you what the product was they were selling. But wait, perhaps that's the I am telling you about a commercial, that I found completely idiotic, and yet, I remembered it simply because it was! Are they making advertising this bad on purpose? Is this another example of the "dumbing down" of America?

Take the "Geico" Insurance commercial for instance. The entire advertising campaign is based around their assumption that I'm incapable of pronouncing the name of their company. It's not "Gecko" as in the amphibian, it's "Geico", as in well..."Geico". And so, based on that assumption, they have a little green lizard with an Australian accent trying to sell me car insurance. I guess they also assume that pronouncing it with an Australian accent will make it easier to remember. Well, you know how the old saying goes? When you "assume" you make an "ass" of "u" and "me"? Well, guess friggin' what, I'm not Australian and I'm not the one "ass-uming" I can't pronounce "Geico". Dammit!

All this being said, I have seen, no exaggeration, two commercials recently that I thought really deserved props! So, my "This Commercial Doesn't Suck" Award goes to....

Followed by...

In Darkness, Light!



Anonymous said...

all the condom commercials are really funny! which one do you pick? I am not sure.

She Who Works Her Will said...

I gotta be honest, not a single one comes to mind.

Either there haven't been any commercials that were noteworthy or I just guess I've never found condoms funny...ever!

Unknown said...

eek. not sure if you can catch these ads but Capital One is running credit card ads with two red skinned demon guys, fooling around with a big block of ice, with awkward body mannerisms.

I don't get the connection between demons and wallets. Their tagline is "what's in your wallet"

Demon's and credit cards. Really, its a creepy ad.

She Who Works Her Will said...

Merry Meet Reel,

Now that you mention it, I have seen the Capital One commercials. I think I did see the one with the demon guy, but the one I'm thinking of is the one with the cyborg. His eye totally weirds me out!