Friday, January 2, 2009

Feeling A Little Flakey?

Photo courtesy of Google

Happy Belated New Year beloved Friends, Followers and Lurkers!

I usually try to wish everyone a Happy New Year at Midnight on New Year's Eve, but I was in the midst of a joyous celebration that I honestly didn't think would ever happen.

On Wednesday morning, we woke to reports that several inches of snow were expected before the end of the 2008. I was officially bummed. We had friends that were coming from near and far to join us for our New Year's Eve gathering and it saddened us to think that we might be ringing in the New Year without them. We watched as a few flurries became nearly white out conditions and had to accept the possibility that no one was going to come out in this weather! Still, I found comfort in the knowledge that everyone who couldn't come would be spending New Year's Eve safely at home rather than traveling in such horrible conditions. It was then I decided to put my own positive magickal spin on the situation.

With each fluffy white flake that fell (again, not referring to my neighbors)I wished for blessings of abundance, prosperity, health, love in the New Year to be bestowed upon all those in my life. Watching the snow fall, inch after inch, my disappointment that our gathering might never be, turned to delight that so many blessings would come to my friends and loved ones!

Later, the snow tapered to flurries and a beautiful crescent moon with the planet Venus appeared in the night sky. It was absolutely breathtaking. It was also, colder than a Witch', well, let's just say it was really, really friggin' cold! The wind was whipping around at 50 miles an hour and the wind chills were below zero! Snow or not, I couldn't even imagine why anyone would come out on a night like this and I wouldn't blame them if they didn't!

Still, come they did! We ate! We drank! We drummed. We sang! We laughed! We danced! It was...magickal!

So my wish for the New Year is this...

May your New Year be filled with more flakes...

Umm...maybe not...

May your lives be filled with more blessings than flakes in the New Year!

Happy 2009 to All!

In Darkness, Light!



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Tracy!

Many Blessings in the New Year!

San Diego is not warm really in the 60's! My son had a party at his house it was nice and we watched the New York Ball come down.

See you soon!

She Who Works Her Will said...

Happy New Year Carol!

Glad you had a great time in San Diego! I would have taken 60 degrees anytime!

Blessings to you and yours!