Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dead Presidents?

Merry Morning Family, Friends, Lurkers and Followers!

So, I'm listening to 1010 WINS as I do every morning and I hear them discussing President Elect Obama. The news cast went something like this...

Reporter: "If President Elect Obama has any questions about being President, today would be the day to ask".

To which I wondered, "Shouldn't he have asked before running for President?"

The Reporter went on to say, "The President Elect will be meeting today with President Bush, President Clinton and President Carter".

And then..."This is a rare meeting of living Presidents"

To which I pondered, "as opposed to????"

:::Shaking head:::

In Darkness, Light!



She Who Works Her Will said...

If I were President Elect Obama, I would rather take advice from dead presidents than these guys!!!

Deborah said...

And then..."This is a rare meeting of living Presidents"

They left out a crucial word. It's a rare meeting of all living Presidents. Every one that is still alive was there.

So obviously, you couldn't say ""rare meeting of all Presidents" because some of them are moldy and stinky by now. (And some were moldy and stinky before they died.) Both words ("all" and "living") are needed for the sentence to scan.

She Who Works Her Will said...

The old and stinky would probably be the better of choices.

On New Year's Eve, 1010 WINS was interviewing Mayor Mike Bloomberg about the increase in police patroling Times Square for the evenings festivities.

To paraphrase the Mayor, "there will be a strong police presence in Times Square, both clothed and unclothed".

I almosted snorted coffee out my nose.

George said...

How long will it take before Obama's presidency start stinking like the rest did? A month, six months, a year???

There was so much hope, that the ones that got elected by the people would actually represent the people and be for the people. HA! "What a joke".

They get in on the agendas of other's that feel who will further the agendas of only a few.

It's just not those of the people...

I hope the President Elect Obama is different, it may be our last chance...

She Who Works Her Will said...

I've had the same concerns George.

I believe that many are placing unrealistic hopes on Mr. Obama. I also believe that some will fail to realize that he will be unable to reverse all of the disasterous outcomes brought about by the previous administrations. He has the added burden of having to succeed not only from professionally, but culturally as well. He will most definitely face challenges that will force him to make choices that may weigh heavily on his conscious. The trick will be if he can stand up to those challenges while still retaining his integrity. Time will tell.

George said...

Absolutely! Tracy, All we have at this point is an realistic hope.

He will have an eroding upward hill to clime to straighten up the mess we as a society allowed others to lead us down. He is after all, only human and he will slip a little. I hope he will get up and push on with his integrity intact.

Most of my hopes along with probably everyone else wishes are.

That a presidency sets the tone of the government that will reflect the overall health of the country, to heal itself.

The last three were of the self-gratifying and self-serving to a point of corruption.

All we have to do is look around at our last couple of generations of our society, our mood and culture reflects that.

The strength of our great country is emulated outwards from the most upper echelons of the people’s government.

We used to have an aura of greatness that other countries strive to be like and emulate. Now we are like the disgraceful uncle that everyone wants to take their turns in bitch slapping.

She Who Works Her Will said...

George said...

We used to have an aura of greatness that other countries strive to be like and emulate. Now we are like the disgraceful uncle that everyone wants to take their turns in bitch slapping.

And some of them have!!!

George, you are just too funny!

George said...

I know, I hear that now and then. And I do enjoy coming to your blog.

I would like to honor you and your blog by presenting (The Honest Scrap Award) Just stop by to accept it. I feel it is well deserve. Once I get it posted.

She Who Works Her Will said...

George said...
I know, I hear that now and then. And I do enjoy coming to your blog.

I would like to honor you and your blog by presenting (The Honest Scrap Award) Just stop by to accept it. I feel it is well deserve. Once I get it posted.

Thanks George, I most certainly will!