Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not Part of the Curriculm..

Merry Morning Family, Friends, Followers and Lurkers!

So, this morning as I was rushing to get ready to drive the kids to school, I heard a familiar sounding, "Mommm". I can tell by the inflection that this was not Justin's usual, everyday "Mom", but the kind of "Mom" that usually strikes me with frustration.

"What?", I answered impatiently. "I need to do a book report", he replied. Ahhhh....yes, I was right, it was that kind of "Mom". By this I mean, this is the tone Justin uses when he's forgotten to tell us that he needs something or has some school project that he's known about for a month, but now, a couple of days before it's due, he's just gotten around to mentioning.

Before I could even form the words that would become my rant about being more responsible, he said, "It has to be about a famous person, but can't be an entertainer or an actor". "I was thinking about either Gerald Gardner or Isaac Bonewits". At first, I thought he was joking, but the look on his face assured me otherwise. I snickered to myself when I imagined his teacher's face when reading it. Then he continued, "Well, Gerald Gardner is the Father of Wicca, so I think that it would make a great report", but I've actually met Isaac Bonewits and read his books and he's really cool." "Well, that is true, I replied, barely containing my enthusiasm, "And Isaac is the first and only person to receive a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Magic from Berkeley." He was both impressed and amused. If I were to guess however, given Justin's fascination with history, he would be more inclined to go with Gerald Gardner, although given my suggestion that he do a little research on both to see who he resonates most with, it may very well be Isaac Bonewits. In either case, I'll be thrilled!

In the last couple of years, Justin has become much more interested in Paganism. He considers himself a Pagan, although he doesn't actually practice the Wiccan religion. I have made it a point not to encourage or dissuade my children from following my beliefs or anyone else's for that matter. I've tried to impress upon them that spirituality often comes from within and doesn't always favor a particular religion. I have also made it abundantly clear that before they could ever make any kind of decision regarding following a Pagan path, they needed to educate themselves enough about it as to be well-informed. Given the misconceptions and prejudices that still exist, I want them to understand that while the path might be well worn, fear will never allow some to enter the garden.

All this being said, I am gleefully anticipating Justin's final decision and his teacher's reaction. No matter whom he chooses to write about, in true Isaac Bonewits' fashion, he will probably be the first and only kid in the history of his Middle School to do a report on one of the more influential figures in Neopaganism!

::::beaming with pride:::::

In Darkness, Light!



Anonymous said...

wow you should be Tracy (beaming with pride).

I watched Justin during our rituals and he always tried to get involved. He always showed an interest.

You did a great job without pushing it.

Good Work Girl!!!

Maggi said...

If he continues in that vein, it would also be interested to do a report on Stewart Farrar and the book Writer on a Broomstick.

She Who Works Her Will said...

Carol said...
wow you should be Tracy (beaming with pride).

Thanks Carol. Yes, he always has shown as interest. In fact, when he was about 3 years old, he used to stand in the middle of the yard with his little arms outstretched and "command the wind".

She Who Works Her Will said...

Maggi said...
If he continues in that vein, it would also be interested to do a report on Stewart Farrar and the book Writer on a Broomstick.

My guess is that he will. I know he's already read "What Witches Do", by the Farrars. If fact, he's confiscated most of my books on Wicca!

Maggi said...

stealing books about religion good!

I've known a lot of people that said they commanded the wind as kids. Sylphs must like kids.

She Who Works Her Will said...

Maggi said...
stealing books about religion good!

I've known a lot of people that said they commanded the wind as kids. Sylphs must like kids.

Just glad it isn't the salamanders that prefer kids. Oh, wait...they only prefer me!!!

Yeah, it was actually pretty cute. He was actually quite good at it too!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Momma! Great child! And a whole alot of love !

She Who Works Her Will said...

Thanks Tee!

I can't take all the credit. He's a really great kid!