Friday, September 10, 2010

And A Little Pinch of Buddhism!

Merry Meet Family and Friends!

So, I'm discovering that some of my most successful magick comes about when I'm not thinking about magick at all. Seems strange, doesn't it? Allow me to explain.

We remodeled our kitchen several years ago. New appliances, counter tops, tile know, the works. I noticed in the last month or so however, that the enamel was beginning to peel off our stove. Very odd, I thought. The stove isn't really that old and it's obviously made to withstand heat, so I couldn't imagine why this would happen. I casually hinted to my husband, "I think we need a new stove." To which I received the classic "husband" response, "No we don't! The stove works fine! Just because it's peeling, doesn't mean we need a new stove". Hmmph! Is that so!

Well, I couldn't really argue with the fact that it was working fine. Yet every time I looked at it, sitting there....peeling, it irritated me! And each time I would repeat to no one in particular, "we need a new stove". You know, in a distracted, pissed off kind of way.

So, a week or so of this "stove mantra" goes by and one evening after work my husband nonchalantly mentions, "I don't think the stove is working". Oh really??? "Do tell!?" "Yeah", he said, "it's taken about an hour to preheat to 400 degrees". Now, If you listened really closely, you might have heard my heart breaking....but, probably not!

I must confess that I owe a debt of gratitude to my stove! Firstly, because it served me well all these years (no pun intended) and secondly, because I believe it taught me a little about the Buddhist philosophy of "detachment!" You see, in wishing an untimely demise upon my poor stove, I had absolutely no real heartfelt attachment to it, so I wasn't wasting or distracting energy from the outcome by overly focusing on it.

This, I believe, is one of the most difficult things to master when it comes to the practice of magick! It's not that I didn't care about my stove, I just didn't care enough to form any strong emotional attachment to it either way. I know, what you're thinking. "Who forms an emotional attachment to their stove?". Hey, ya never know! Seriously...Google "Stove Fetish". The World's a twisted place!

Think about it though. We have our purpose, intention and the will that drives us to manifest what we need or want. But, all this comes with a heartfelt desire and that is by far the most difficult thing to detach from when we focus on an outcome! We obviously want our magick to be successful. And as hard as we try not to be emotionally attached to the outcome, there's going to be that little voice in our head hoping that we get what we want. If we didn't give a rat's ass, we wouldn't be doing the work in the first place, now would we?

So, here I sit waiting for my new stove is being delivered. And my new goal? To learn and practice, as much as I can, the art of "detachment". Today, I'll also be playing the New Jersey Lottery, and do my best not to give a rat's ass if I wake up a millionaire! So Mote It Be!!

In Darkness, Light!
