Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I think I can safely say, I've been good all year. Yes, I do realize that "good" is a subjective term. And I must confess, I've certainly stretched the term beyond all reasonable definition in the past.

I'm sure there are those that would say, as a practicing Witch, I have not been good at all! That's ok, I have a suggestion as to where they might strategically place their Christmas trees.

I haven't compiled a Christmas list so don't worry, this isn't going to take very much of your time. There is very little I actually want. I believe that I received my greatest gift back in September with my husband's benign diagnosis and successful surgery. So, I guess you're wondering, Dear Santa, "Why is she writing? Surely she knows I have enough to do already! Pesky Witch!"

I know your busy, so I'll get right to the point. This year, Dear Santa, has seen too many people that I love and those loved by others, being diagnosed with cancer. Yes, I know, you don't have to be bad or good all year to get cancer. It isn't very selective. If someone isn't touched by it personally, certainly, someone you know has been. It sucks! Ooooops, sorry Santa! Outside voice!

I know what you're thinking, Santa. "Oh No! The Witch better not even think of asking for a cure for cancer!"

Well Santa, here's the way I see it. If you can get into that sleigh every year, driven by 8 "flying" reindeer, squeeze your ass down countless chimneys, spreading tidings of comfort and joy, you better friggin' believe I'm asking!

Oh yeah, I went there!

Hey Santa, cut me a break, ok? Perhaps you can check in with whomever gave those poor reindeer the power to schlep your big ass around the World for years! Nice trick, but I'm not easily impressed! So, Dear Santa, see what you can do, ok? There are a lot of people counting on you!

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation!

Tracy a.k.a. "That Pesky Witch"


greekwitch said...

When i read "where they can strategically put their christmas trees" i laugh so hard that i woken up the next door baby!

Hibiscus Moon said...

Too funny! Oh yes, you went there.

She Who Works Her Will said...

Just doing my best to keep the cheer in the holiday season }:)

White Wolf said...

But Tracy...
You got it all wrong :-)))))
Santa is actually the mighty Norse God Odin riding his eight legged flying horse, Sleipnir. During the season of Yule He would lead the Wild Hunt.
Children would leave their boots near the chimney full with carrots, straw or sugar as food for Sleipnir. Odin would then reward the children with gifts.
He was then Christianised into Santa Claus.

You must tell this to your neighbours. :-)

Trees have always been sacred by us pagans. Now Christma's trees have turned into a commodity for sale.

Cancer is caused by air, water and food pollution. By stress. People in the main cities live in a state of brainwaves ranging from 21 to 35cycles/second resulting in nevrosis. This is well above the normal Beta wakefull state of 12 to 21 c/s and Alfa of 7 to 12 while closing eyes and relaxing.

I'm Reclaiming the ancient ways. That's my tradition anyway.

Tracy, your post was really funny.
I liked it. :))

So, Yule blessings to you Tracy.


She Who Works Her Will said...

I agree with you, Arie, especially about the Christmas Trees. For years, we had an artificial tree. Then one year we decided to go "real". Real trees are lovely and fragrant and carry all the true spirit of the holiday. But, in the last year or so, I've been more and more saddened by the prospect of getting a real tree. It was harder this year than ever to bring myself to buy one. I just can't tolerate the thought of knowing I'm supporting the demise of something so beautiful.

Next year, we've decided to either buy a tree that we can plant in the spring or simply plant a tree to replace the one that was cut down. A gift for a gift.

As far as cancer is concerned, I'm certain you are right. When healthy, young people and children are being diagnosed with all types of this disease, we need to look at what we are doing to our environment for the answer.

In any case, I'm still asking Santa a.k.a. Odin for help!

Dessa said...

Tell him, Syster, tell him.

Rue said...

Ditto for my Christmas list, Santa!

Stella Seaspirit said...

Hi Tracy, I have also noticed the increase in cancer cases within my community. But it is my belief that cancer is caused by the mind and emotions. The individual need not be consciously stressed as it can manifest due to subconscious thought processes. We all have cancer cells within our bodies, they help to heal. Cancer just occurs when their programming is corrupted in some way and they keep multiplying. I wrote this down from a book some time ago- can’t remember from which one though... “From the highest perspective, all is an illusion and we are making everything up anyway, according to what we believe to be true and probable, what appears to be attacking us is simply an energetic aspect of ourselves and our beliefs that we have supported into coming into form by allowing and believing in its existence.” I think that our minds are so powerful we can think ourselves into pristine health, its no easy feat but it is possible. The media loves labels and hype about tragic circumstances so we are constantly bombarded by “fight cancer” and “battle against cancer”. We need not resist since we can simply love it away by loving ourselves and our bodies, finding and connecting with our Divinity.

Anonymous said...

You are very convincing, he'll have to listen to you now!
