The Doorway the 11:11
This can presently be perceived
as a crack between two worlds.
It is like a bridge
which has the inherent potential
of linking together
two very different spirals of energy.
As we unite together as One,
bringing together our fragments of the key,
we not only create the key,
but we make visible the Doorway.
Thus this bridge functions
as an invisible door
or a doorway into the Invisible realm.
The 11:11 is the bridge
To an entirely different spiral of evolution.
Merry Meet Family and Friends!
Have I mentioned that this is my all time favorite holiday?
Today, October 31st, doesn't only represent the traditional celebration of Halloween, but one of the eight major Wiccan Sabbats. Today, we celebrate, Samhain.
Samhain lore tells us that this is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is most thin. This morning, as I do every Samhain morning, I set up an altar to my ancestors, those loved one's who have crossed the veil.
It's a simple altar. I use a black altar cloth embossed with a silver pentacle, two black glass enclosed pillar candles, Samhain incense and photos of my ancestors and pets who have crossed.
This morning, I had an epiphany! I just knew I needed to light the altar candles at exactly 11:11 a.m. I know there are many interpretations of those numbers. I'm not sure which of those I agree with, I just knew that it was important that I acknowledge my beloved dead at exactly that time.
I patiently watched the clock and then lit both black pillars at exactly the right moment. A second or two into this process as I struggled with a particularly uncooperative incense, I heard a resounding snap coming from one of the candles. If you know anything about or have used 7 day pillar candles, they can be left burning, for ya know, 7 days, so obviously they are made to withstand the heat of the flame. At closer inspection of the candle, I realized that the glass enclosing the pillar had cracked! The incense, which I've used before, then began filling the room with the most beautifully ethereal swirls of smoke I've ever seen.
Today, we honor those loved ones who have gone before us, remembering that only our love for them is strong enough to pierce the veil.
Blessed Samhain!
P.S. After this writing, I did some further research on the numbers 11:11 and found the verse listed above, along with this very interesting accompanying website:
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