Saturday, June 27, 2009

Inquiring Minds...

Merry Meet Family, Friends and Followers:

Ok, so about a month ago, I posted an entry entitled, "See ya on the way down".

Since that time, I've been asked on three random occasions, who it was who had broken my heart.

A few mornings ago, I happened to walk into the kitchen, to over hear my daughter, Kyla asking, my husband, "Hey Dad, so...who was the "asshole" Mom was talking about in her blog". Of course, up until that point, Ray hadn't read the entry and now, he was asking me the same question. Then, I get a message on Facebook from a friend of a friend in High School, that thought I was referring to him! Oh for the love of nerve!

Now, I had to go back and read my own entry to refresh my memory, but I was pretty sure I knew who I was referring to. Thankfully, I don't know that many assholes!

So, now for all the inquiring minds, I am ready to reveal the truth!

::::visualizing all the little hearts racing with anticipation::::

The person I was referring to was my first serious relationship when I was 17 years old and while it hardly matters now, it obviously taught me enough about love, self respect and personal growth that I wrote about it so many years later!

The other reason I chose to write about this particular person is that I learned that he was recently arrested for theft. He was managing a store that had just been equipped with video cameras and was caught stealing.

I guess for some people personal growth and self respect will remain elusive and while I'm sure this won't come as any surprise to some (right, Jeff)..he's still an asshole!

In Darkness, Light!



White Wolf said...


You may like this, though it is not connected to your post. I've just seen it now and liked it very much.


greekwitch said...

Oh when i was in my teens i had a thing for bad boys!And although i love Petros now for his beautiful soul i fell for him because he was kind of dark and elusive and a drummer, and really really cute! Do not judge me, i was only 18! But as you can imagine i was n't always so lucky as i have been with P. And although i have been in some tough situations, i would n't change a thing! It brought me here! Thank Goddess for being so lucky!
I know how you feel about such an obvious bad choice and yet not one you regret. The pain has transformed you into the person you are. Our mistakes force us to evolve! And you my lady have definitely evolved. You are now antique shopping while he is doing time!
It is scary to think how easily these could n't be our lives. This is the main thoughts i make these days! How i could be somewhere else, away from light. Away from my true love. Away from my spiritual path. I have been such a stupid reckless kid! Scary!

Hibiscus Moon said...

My 17 year old love left a huge impression on me too. Ten years later I married him. ;)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a buncha worry warts with guilt complexes..........

She Who Works Her Will said...

spottedwolf said...
Sounds like a buncha worry warts with guilt complexes..........

June 28, 2am 009 12:57 AM

And I suspect, my friend, that you are absolutely correct!!!!

She Who Works Her Will said...

Hibiscus Moon said...
My 17 year old love left a huge impression on me too. Ten years later I married him. ;)

June 27, 2009 3:38 PM

I was just 18 when I met my husband and 11 years later, I married him too.

I just love "coincidences!"

She Who Works Her Will said...

It is scary to think how easily these could n't be our lives. This is the main thoughts i make these days! How i could be somewhere else, away from light. Away from my true love. Away from my spiritual path. I have been such a stupid reckless kid! Scary!

Scary...that is indeed a perfect word. It's scary how many things I chose to overlook about this person. It was scary how badly I allowed this person to treat me. But, it's scarier thinking about what my life may have been like if I'd ended up with him!

Yet, as smitten with this person as I was, every time he brought up the subject of marriage, I would feel nauseous!

I always warned him that if he ever cheated on me, I was done. He did...I was. It was the best thing that could have ever happened to me in my life.

And while I never wished any ill will toward him, I will not deny that the first thing I did was share the news of his arrest with a person that I hurt when I was too infatuated to see what a loser he truly was. I must confess, we were...amused!

Anonymous said...

hey your blog is honest and real. I like it. Entertaining :)!

Mhairead said...

Ah... nods head and thinks of a certain biker boy friend from way back ..enough said :)