Merry Meet and Greetings Family and Friends!
So, you know how I recently wrote about my learning to work with spirit guides? Well, at some point after one receives their second degree Reiki attunement, their spirit guides may make an appearance. Now, I have to be honest, I am nothing if not open-minded. I am a true believer in afterlife communication because I've experienced it first hand and have an "open door" policy when it comes to visits from the dead people, but the whole "spirit guide" thing? Meh...I was beginning to have my doubts.
My Reiki Masters made many suggestions for how we might connect with these beings, and I've tried all of them! Guided meditations, Shamanic Journeying, pleading, whining. I got nothing! I've had better luck with dead people, dammit! I was beginning to suspect that if my spirit guides really did exist, they were just not that into me!
A few nights ago, I sat down to do my own Reiki healing. The more one connects to the Universal Life Force Energy, the more potent and powerful it is becomes, so I try to practice daily. I put on my favorite meditation CD, lit some incense, closed my eyes and began to connect to the energy. The beautiful full moon shining down on me through the window added it's own energy to the experience.
After about a half hour of blissful Reiki-ing, suddenly, out of no where, came a flash of brilliant blue light surrounding the profile of a woman's face! The woman, a Victorian lady, looked to be in her early 30's, with a lovely, serene expression. However, she wasn't anyone I recognized.
Imagine, if you will, an antique photograph, yellowed by age, in which the subject's facial features and hair are clearly defined, but the remainder of the photo is pale and faded. Now imagine this photo instead, vibrant blue, and you will have a fairly accurate description of what I'd just experienced!
I felt no fear whatsoever, but kept my eyes tightly closed both to hold the visual and because I wasn't really sure I was ready to open them to find her, ya know, standing in the middle of my living room!
"Was this my spirit guide?", I wondered, which my stunned senses translated as, "Holy friggin' crap!". Yet, before I could even begin wrapping my mind around the possibilities, the words that have manifested themselves in my life more often and more dramatically than I could have ever imagined came to mind with stunning clarity...
"When the student is ready, the teacher appears!"
In Darkness, Light!
I'm so glad you have made contact! I myself am trying to contact mine, I know they are there, but they have not as of yet made an appearance.
I'm sure it was an amazing experience, thanks for sharing and giving hope to the rest of us!
I gotta tell ya, this was weird, even for me!
What an awesome experience! It is so cool to read about others finding their guides, especially the ones who took a long time to find theirs, like the case was with me lol.
Thank you for sharing!!
Bella Foxglove said...
What an awesome experience! It is so cool to read about others finding their guides, especially the ones who took a long time to find theirs, like the case was with me lol.
Thank you for sharing!!
I often find that the more connected I am to the outcome, the harder it is to manifest.
You know what I think I was doing wrong? I was just trying too hard!
That sounds amazing. Once i had a vivid visualisation of the Goddess and the God but i think that was my way to connect. I have n't tried to connect with my spirit quides though!
Tracy what a wonderful experience!!
There will be many others come and go as time passes and you accept them more readily Trace....I assure you. Spirit guides manifest as we are able and willing to accept them.....and whether or not they look like a known "dearly departed" has little bearing on the matter for they can be "dearly departed, nearly departed, or non-departed" They are after all....just manifestations of all we ask for. A person who....for example....never doubts themself and lives confidently has no need for such. One must begin to doubt ones existence in some way to be able to accept a spiritual guide. I've long laughed at my own antics and decided I was a "master of doubt". I even considered authoring a book on the subject and titling it "the Doubtful shaman"...or maybe "Shamanism for Dummies".....or howz about "Rednekk Rayki"....c'mere boy and I'll use the choke-hold-ray on yer arse ta smarten ya up !!!
I envision her as your idea of absolute graciousness and truth.
The one who most clairvoyants 'see' around me looks quite like Colonel Sanders with spats and swizzle stick.....interesting ain't ti ??!!??
Very interesting, Dennis!
And in fact, a friend suggested that her name was Aggi and that she was the wife of Jebediah. I asked him why he felt this way, and he said it was a gut feeling.
I've always felt that my "Guardian Angel", so to speak, was someone named "Grace". The name popped up many years ago during a meditation. I'm not sure if a name is really relevant at this point. I'm just thrilled that she "stopped by".
Rednekk Ray-ke!!! I love it!!!
It never fails to amaze how insecure we humans can be when trying to relate to creation. We need names, faces, driver's licenses, and damned near passports for proof that 'Gawd' of some sort or anuther is out there watching over us.....ready to help just because we're asking. When you think about it....seems rather childish doesn't it? I have said for years, "if ya need a god to believe..then you'll also need one to blame". I don't think the name 'Aggi' applies to you but rather to your friend.....and its interesting that it has to have biblically associative Jebediah attached.......I wonder what we'd think if a guide showed up with a mouthful of chew...spittin'...and a'cussin' a blue-streak....and said, "jest call me Polecat." Ya know sumpin' Trace....I don't think names matter a bit....because they are all one thing on the other side....unless the spirit is still 'earthbound' by some issue it can't let loose of. In other words...I think the "Colonel"..who said to me, "Rudy, is good enough for now"....is Grace, Buddha, Jesus, Spottedwolf, Thoth, Seth, Ohdin, Gaia, and all those other names which people pine for so they can feel as though they're on a 'right' path......when the plain ol' truth is.....everyone bad or good eventually winds up where they began.........eh?.
In other words...I think the "Colonel"..who said to me, "Rudy, is good enough for now"....is Grace, Buddha, Jesus, Spottedwolf, Thoth, Seth, Ohdin, Gaia, and all those other names which people pine for so they can feel as though they're on a 'right' path......when the plain ol' truth is.....everyone bad or good eventually winds up where they began.........eh?.
Dennis, you're beginning to sound like my husband! He hates labels!!
Oh no, two of you! ::cringe::: :)
My old friend Karenwitch, how I met Suzanne, once said,"I hate you Dennis, just kidding, but you always take the 'mist' from the 'mystery'.........
Yer ol' man is a smart one girlie-girl !!!!
Oh ...and Trace....Swan said her teacher in India when she was exploring the "saint path"....once told her to ignore the "plane of gods and goddesses".........I learned it a long time ago....through the Rolling Stones..
"it was just my 'magination....runnin' away with me-ee"
One thing is for certain Trace...no matter what we wish to certify....your 'guide' is real.
Your second level attunement just happens to be what it took to help you believe enough to allow this experience.
In time you will understand what I mean by saying they are all 'one spirit'.
Your second level attunement just happens to be what it took to help you believe enough to allow this experience.
In time you will understand what I mean by saying they are all 'one spirit'.
In the next few weeks, I'm actually going to be certified (as if I'm not already certifiable) in Jikiden Reiki with this lady,
I keep feeling that there's been so much more I need to learn.
Certification is......merely peer recognition....for accomplishing what the "peer association"....be it singular or multiple, reqires for one to attain what they consider correct. What 'teachers' teach is merely what we've forgotten by lack of association. Had you been reared in a shamanic culture...this would all have been 'natural' to you.
In the 'spirits' eye....you were certified to begin with.
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